Seller Questionnaire:
By taking the time to answer these questions in advance it will help me provide you with a consultation that best fits your needs. You can email me your answers at
Claudia@VARealEstateExperts.comor you can fax it to 571-408-2001.
Seller Questions:
¨ Why are you thinking about selling?
¨ What is your time frame for moving?
¨ Where are you planning on moving to?
¨ Do you have a loan that needs to be paid off?
¨ If you have a loan on the home what is the balance?
¨ What questions can I answer for you
Seller Story Board:
¨ What do you like most about your home?
¨ What attracted you to the home when you bought it?
¨ What are the average utility costs for your home?
¨ What improvements have you made to the home?