www.WoodbridgeVARealtor.com 571-285-4319
Claudia S. Nelson Realtor with Keller Williams Realty, Woodbridge VA
Homes for Sale in Dale City Woodbridge VA
Why Do I like to live in Dale City?
Dale City in Woodbridge VA is a beautiful HOA free community. Dale City offers something for everyone.
Are you currently looking for a Home in Dale City Woodbridge VA?
Interested in finding Homes for Sale in Dale City Woodbridge VA? Click that link to find all the currently available homes in this area of Dale City Woodbridge VA.
What’s Dale City like?
Dale City stretches from I95 all the way up to Hoadly Road along Dale City Blvd. Dale City has been built by Hylton Homes a local Home builder. All the streets in Dale City are alpabetically along Dale Blvd. So it is realatively easy to navigate in Dale City unless you are inside a particular letter and don’t have the best sense of direction like my dear
husband. Dale City has Condo’s, Townhomes and Single Family Homes. The closer to get towards Hoadly Road the newer the homes. Currently there is a brand new section of Homes Hylton Home builts in the Q Section of Dale City. You can see the different style homes Hylton built over the years. when you travel along Dale Blvd. From the older homes to the newer homes. Prices range anywhere from the low 200s to 300s for townhomes to the mid 200s to lower 300s for some of the original single family Homes and 300 plus for the newer single family homes. Most of Dale City is HOA free.
Now You Really Want to Find a Home in Dale City, Right?
If you are interested in the current homes for sale in Dale City Woodbridge VA click on the link.
Do you currently live in Dale City?
If you currently live in Dale City and you are interested in knowing what your home is worth in today’s market, you can easily find out right here: